Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Journal Entry 13

"Fun to Grow"
Wants to Put on a Show

Please join us for our spring fashion show and luncheon. Our children will be wearing their favorite spring colors and lunch will be served. We want you to know what we are doing here at "Fun to Grow" and give you more information on future activities.

There will also be a fire truck present to give information on what to do in emergency situations, especially Oklahoma's spring weather.

We look forward to seeing you and hope that you enjoy your day with us!

Journal Entry 12

Joey has made great proggrgess in socializing with others. He still has a few moments when he wasn't to be alone, but who doesn't. This issue is no longer a real concern because he is friendly with others and not harming anyone else when he wants to be alone.

Joey really enjoys the large Lego blocks. His imagination is very broad. It is very seldom that he builds the same thing twice. He even attempts to match the same colors on both sides of what he builds. This is a great learning skill. He is beginning to see things evenly and match things one to the other. His visual skills are definitely improving.

Joey gets very excited when his good works are acknowledged. He is even more excited when he is allowed to to help others with what he already knows. When we are working on things that Joey understands well, I allow him to help at will.

The best form of redirection for Joey is acknowledging what is doing right and explaining what is better to do, opposed to whats wrong with what he is doing.

As a family, Joey can grow to be more involved with others if you allow Joey to choose some family activities and keep him involved as a group more often.

Jornal Entry 11

I best remember information if I am physically involved. I prefer hands-on if I know there is something I need to remember. I am definitely a kinesthetic learner.

On the other hand, I know the parents of children in my care will all learn better in a different way. For this reason alone, I will utilize all contact and notification methods to make parents aware of changes or thing they need to know. I will make sure that all parents have completed a contact form that request all of the following they have available.

Primary Phone:
Secondary Phone:
Do you prefer text messages?: yes no
Any other preferred contact methods:

I will also utilize normal newsletters and bulletin boards. Verbal reminders will also be given to parents.

Journal Entry 10


Flu season is fast approaching and there have been many cases of flu reported already. 

Influenza, commonly known as the flu, is a broad term for several types of contagious upper respiratory infections caused by different viruses.

The flu usually spreads from person to person when an infected person coughs, sneezes or talks and expels the virus into the air. You can also contract the virus by handling an object touched by an infected person.

The best way to avoid these symptons are by washing hands thoroughly. Good handwashing  habits are great for use at home, school or in public.

Please take proper precautions to avoid the flu or flu-like symptoms. If you feel you or your child have the flu, please contact your doctor for treatment and notify us so that we can make others aware that the facility has been exposed to virus and stay alert for any symptoms affecting the other children.

Journal Entry 9


The weather is changing and our children are excited about the outdoors. Safety is our main concern and your child's safety starts from home. We would like you to keep in mind that our playground consist of wood chips and and the sidewalk is concrete. Please be sure your child is wearing closed toe shoes to prevent accident while running and playing. Its always fun to see your child smile.

Thank you all for your cooperation,
Mrs. Law

Journal Entry 8

Fun to Grow
Child Development Center
April 2013 Newsletter

 Friday April 4: OKC Zoo Field Trip
Note to Parents: We will need volunteers to assist with our field trip. Please notify your child’s teacher if you are able to help.
Wednesday April 10:
Tuesday April 16: Dress-up Day (Wear the attire that demonstrates who or what you want to be when you grow up.)
Things to remember in for the month of APRIL…..
·        April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month
·        April 7th is World Health Day: Talk to your doctor and take care of YOU.
·        April 22nd is Earth Day. Save our planet.  *Reduce*Reuse*Recycle*
Let’s do our part by recycling paper, aluminum and plastic this month!
Plant a seed and watch it grow! April Showers bring May flowers…